Tag Archives: Ron Paul

‘BIFF’ Romney is a FRAUD!

2 Mar

OKAY, I Said it.

Sorry to the ‘BIFF’ Romney supporters, but your “Annointed” Candidate is a Fraud. He’s been running for President since 2008 and CAN’T CLOSE THE DEAL without CHEATING or CARPET BOMBING Opponents. He works in collusion with RON PAUL.

IOWA – Biff Romney and Ron Paul teamed up on Newt Gingrich with over 90% of their ads targeting Newt Gingrich.

FLORIDA – Again BIFF Romney spends millions of dollars carpet bombing Newt Gingrich in the “winner take all” contest that Santorum and Paul didn’t even bother to waste money fighting for.

At least Newt tried to battle… and again Ron Paul, BIFF’s Secret Weapon to attack with (BIFF looks on like he has nothing to do with Ron Paul’s attacks during the ‘Debates’

The ‘Establishment’ GAVE good old “BIFF” Iowa but had to take it away when the true results showed thw winner was RIC SANTORUM!

We saw BIFF’s struggle to win Michigan. He barely won over the ‘Upstart’ Rick Santorum. As the “Leader”  in his alleged Home State BIFF Romney Spent MILLIONS of DOLLARS for YEARS but barely won!

Now the ‘Establishment’ is GIVING the two Electoral Votes to BIFF!! The public is seeing this for what it is.


BIFF Romney’s Negative Campaigns have turned off many voters and allowed the LAME STREET MEDIA to poke fun and malign the Republican Party and our Candidates. BIFF Romney CAN’T Win Support speaking about his plans because HE IS NOT CONSERVATIVE!

BIFF Romney WILL NOT BEAT OBAMA unless the economy is so horrific the public votes against Obama. THE PUBLIC WILL NOT SUPPORT BIFF! We will hold our nose and vote for BIFF when we vote, we WILL VOTE AGAINST BARRACK HUSEIN OBAMA!

We had the Republican Establishment follow the LAME STREET MEDIA and accept the  ‘moderate’ John McCain… and then watched the media feed on him and attempt to destroy Sara Palin as an Idiot (But she’s still here and fighting).

Now the Washington Elite and the LAME STREET MEDIA are trying to shove BIFF Romney down our throats! We’re on the internet reading the news everyday but we do the one thing that so few others do. We read the comments after reading the posts.

This gives an understanding of what the AMERICAN CITIZENS are feeling and saying. The public’s response is loud and clear…

We MUST get rid of Present Obama!

  • BIFF Romney will not win.

  • BIFF Romney is NOT a Political Winner.

BIFF Romney can say the words that have been scripted for him, but his HEART ISN’T IN IT! You Can’t FAKE SINCERITY.

  • Ron Paul is Sincere but his Foreign Policy eliminates him.

  • Newt Gingrich is Sincere and will wipe the floor with Obama in ANY Debate!

  • Rick Santorum is Sincere and Well Spoken and he too will Win a Debate with the Kenyan Present. (I call him the ‘Present’ because that’s how he always voted)

BIFF Romney and the Republican Elite don’t see they are in the same game the LAME STREET MEDIA played on John McCain. BIFF Romney even ‘Loaned‘ the advisers who created ROMNEYCARE to help OweBOWmore write OBAMACARE! How will BIFF fight against him!

OWEDUMBA will lie through his teeth, but sound and look sincere. The LAME STREET MEDIA will fawn all over every word he says and ignore his record, then attack BIFF Romney with every skeleton in his closet. They will attack with things that never existed and use the “Serious of the Charge” line again.

Doubt ME? Look at what they did to HERMAN CAIN. Allegations from a lawyer about three women who REFUSED TO COME FORWARD to confirm or deny the allegations.

We’ve watched our Candidates get knocked off One by One by the LAME STEET MEDIA and the Republican Establishment working in collusion with BIFF. The MEDIA PANICKED when Newt Gingrich started winning because they knew even with all their cover and support OweBOWMORE would be Destroyed by Newt in the Press and in Debates.

NEWT  has his facts and figures in his brain and can bring these out at a moments notice. BIFF has to stay on script. BIFF can’t defend himself and anytime there’s panic his handlers speak for him. He even has ANN COULTER(?) supporting him. 

(Old Proverb – Sleep with Dogs, you get Fleas… is Bill Maaawwr spiking her Kool-Aide?? COME BACK ANN. WE STILL LOVE YOU!)

(Ann Coulter and Sarah Paling against any two Liberal Politicians… who’d you rather?)

The Liberals go after Ric Santorum because of his RELIGION? They ignore his statements revealing HIS PERSONAL BELIEFS ARE NOT HIS POLITICAL BELIEFS! HE RESPECTS THE LAW (unlike the Liberals).

Yes, the media does ignore Ron Paul. Ron has managed to charm a lot of people and his FINANCE views are excellent… but he knows how to play the game and there is too much evidence of his mirroring(?) of BIFF Romney attacking the newest challenger for the annointed BIFF Romney.


BIFF Won’t stop them but will side with them.

Ron Paul is a Liberal except for Finances.

NEWT is the SCARY CONSERVATIVE who has a track record of fighting the establishment. NEWT is also a Dreamer. He still sees AMERICA as a Great Country full of Opportunity for all.

The LAME STREET MEDIA laughed at his idea of a Moon Colony… but they forget about the inventions that came from the NASA programs to explore Space. One word – PLASTICS. (Oh yeah… what was that other thing… anyone heard of COMPUTERS!)

The Apollo went to the moon with less computer power than today’s Cell Phone… in fact, most watches have more computer power…

Ric Santorum will fight for us when elected. I can see him reaching out to NEWT and asking for help in how to win against the LAME STREET MEDIA and the Washington Elite. 

Ric Santorum would enjoy lunch with the Tea Party and not dinner with the Washington Elite. And when RIC SANTORUM goes to Church it won’t be a Once A Year Photo Op!

IF BIFF Romney really belives in CONSERVATISM… I suggest he save most of his campaign funds. Match the amounts his opponent spend. See if he can win by a positive message and stop the SLIMING of his opponents.

Give AMERICA a REASON to support you! Then you’ll have the money to FIGHT OWEBUMMER… or IF you don’t win the nomination you can win votes for the next time by funding the Republican Candidate.

My PERSONAL opinion of BIFF Romney is he would be a GREAT Representative for America. BIFF Romney or mrs. clinton… who would be a better Secretary of State? I can still hear Bill’s Baby Mama screaming about the right to disagree with the Bush Administration.

BIFF Romney will be talk with Ambassadors on their Level… but he will be able to win the Arguments because they will be in BIFF’s Wheel House.

Sorry BIFF, but you aren’t ready to be President. You’re political record is NOT a Conservative Record. The current OCCUPIER of the White House has proven the power of the White House needs to be in check before it corrupts.

My rant was in honor of Andrew Brietbart.


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RIP 1969 – 2012

Today’s News

11 Jan

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