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Biff Romney or Mr. Burns

27 Mar

Biff Romney or Mr. Burns.


7 Mar


I received this email today from a good friend of mine who once was also a True Liberal! But now he’s out of the Cess Pool of Liberal Insanity he finds some pretty funny stuff on the internet and we are ‘Reliable Sources’ for each other.

He sent me this email today and not only did I forward this to my friends (and a couple of Libs I’m working on… heh heh… but I also asked everyone here at DontBELEIVEtheMEDIA and we agreed to post the email here.

Please read this and forward it… The Elites in Washington keep trying to stuff OweDumbo and Biff Romney down our throats and this is a way to put them ON NOTICE!

This is the perfect time to cause the Washington Establishment and LAME STREET MEDIA to PANIC!


Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

I could end the deficit in 5 minutes,” he told CNBC. “You just Pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible For re-election.

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) Took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 – before computers, e-mail, Cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year Or less to become the law of the land – all because of public pressure.”

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list and in turn ask
Each of you to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will recieve the message. This is one idea that really should be passed Around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2012

1. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no Pay when they’re out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

ALL FUNDS in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately.

ALL FUTURE FUNDS flow into The Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will NO LONGER VOTE THEMSELVES a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and Participates in the SAME HEALTH CARE SYSTEM as the American people.

6. Congress must EQUALLY ABIDE by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are VOID effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this Contract with Congressmen/women.

Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an HONOR, not a career. The Founding Fathers
Envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their Term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will Only take three days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive the message. Don’t you think it’s time?


If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.

You are one of my 20+ – Please keep it going, and thanks.


2 Mar

I Don't Have To Answer To ANYONE!

GM halts production of THE Volt I mean DOLT… “temporary??”



General Motors has temporarily suspended production of The Volt electric car, the company announced Friday. 

By Keith Laing – The

GM, which is based in Detroit, announced to employees at one of its facilities that it was halting production of the beleaguered electric car for five weeks and temporarily laying off 1,300 employees.

A GM spokesman told The Hill on Friday that production of the Volt would resume April 23. “We needed to maintain proper inventory and make sure that we continued to meet market demand,” GM spokesman Chris Lee said in a telephone interview.

Lee noted that sales of the Volt were higher in February than they were in January, and added that California recently decided to allow the electric car to qualify for High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes in the state. (They brag about the most Liberal State with Governor Moon Beam as an endorsement?) I believe the modern term is WTF?

“We see positive trends, but we needed to make this market adjustment,” he said. The Chevy Volt has come under criticism from Republicans in Congress because of reports of its batteries catching on fire during testing. President Obama gave the electric vehicle a vote of confidence in a speech to the United Auto Workers union this week, promising he would buy a Volt “five years from now, when I’m not president anymore.” 

Republicans have argued the Volt was being pushed by the Obama administration for political reasons instead of consumer demand. “Is the commitment to the American public or is the commitment to clean energy, that we are going to get there any way we can?” Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) asked in a hearing in the House in January about the Volt’s reported battery fires.  

“When the market is ready … it won’t have to be subsidized,” Kelly said. Chevy has argued the debate about the Volt has become too political. “We did not develop the Chevy Volt to be a political punching bag,” General Motors CEO Daniel Akerson testified before Congress in the same January hearing. “We engineered the Volt to be a technological wonder.” (They ALMOST had Success with that… the DOLT will go in down in history as the Second EDSEL! And People Will WONDER… WTF!)

Chevy has sought to give a boost to the public image of the Volt, releasing a commercial in January tying the Volt to the effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil. 

“This isn’t just the car we wanted to build,” a narrator says in the commercial over footage of Volts being manufactured in Hamtramck, Mich. “This is the car America had to build.”

The DOLT had to be built so OweBowMore could pay off the Unions that hired him! How’s that Hope and Change Working for you?

RIP Andrew Breitbart

1 Mar



Last Night We Lost A Great Warrior Who Fought To Bring Us Another Point Of View.

Mr. Andrew Breitbart was The Leader on the internet for Political Bloggers. He will be missed for many reasons. Even though I never met or spoke with Mr. Breitbart I was and always be thankful for his bravery and willingness to Stand Up for his (and others) principles.

“Most conservatives are individualists. For years, they’ve been pummelled by the collectivists who run the American media, Hollywood and Washington. The underground conservative movement that is now awakening is the ecosystem I’ve designed my sites to tap into.”

I hope his daughters will learn what an impact their father made for Freedom… Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom from Tyranny. You and Matt Drudge Changed Our World and Made It Better.

Our Condolences to Your Family, Your Friend Matt Drudge, all of the Conservative Media, and All of Us who will miss you.

You made Many People Smile and Laugh… You also made a lot of Liberals Scream Out Loud…

How Many Liberal Plots Did YOU Thwart? 

Good Bye Mr. Andrew Breitbart.

God Bless You. We the Public Thank You. 



28 Feb

We have been trying to Auto-Update Newsbusters for you but there is a problem with the system, so we will update Manually. The good news is we are going to keep their Shows on this Post updated weekly so you won’t miss any of their fun!!





California Budget Depends On Traffic Tickets?

25 Jan

California Budget Depends On Traffic Tickets?.

California Budget Depends On Traffic Tickets?

25 Jan

HUGE California Traffic Tickets Fines

Effective 01/06/2012

With California Deeply in Debt, thanks to an Out of Control Democrat led Spending Spree to pay off the Unions who fund them. With Businesses Running away and the loss of jobs increasing so the tax base had crumbled, The Democrats, led by Governor Moonbeam Brown have raised traffic fines to obscene limits.
Be extremely careful in your driving, insurance and car registration matters. The State of California is broke and they are going to squeeze everybody hard to collect money. A BRILLIANT idea to entice Tourism one of California’s biggest industries.
Effective immediately, if you do not stop at the red light, be ready to pay $436 in fines or if you pass a school bus with flashing red signals, you will be charged $616. The state of California is going for blood, so be extra careful in driving, you cannot afford messing with them.
The California Highway Patrol and Local PD’s are under pressure to issue More Tickets than last year, so beware of radar guns, and traffic cameras installed everywhere and tougher rules for parking enforcement. The next time you park in a handicapped zone, even for a minute, you will be looking at over $1000.00 in parking tickets, so it’d better be worth it. California needs money, so pay close attention to the rules of the road!

Speeding Ticket Fines

In California, suggested fines and penalties for infractions such as speeding are set at the state level, and are published in the state’s Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules. One of the interesting quirks of the state’s judicial system is the fact that the actual fine amount for the California speeding ticket is only the beginning of what you’ll have to pay. The state applies penalties to each fine that’s assessed, and these penalties can double or triple the amount you actually owe the court.

Speeding Violation (VC 22350)

Example of fine amount for vehicle code:
Base fine amt $35.oo
$           .70         Trial Court Improvement Fund
$        5.14         County-Share of City fines
$     29.16         City-Motor Vehicle
$        2.32         Trial Court Improvement Fund
$     27.44         State Penalty Fund
$     39.20         County penalty fund
$     19.60         State Court Facilities Construction Fund
$     15.68         DNA Identification Fund
$        7.84         County Emergency Medical Services 
$        7.00         State Surcharge 20%
$     40.00         Court Operations Fee
$     35.00         Conviction Assess Fee
$       3.92          Emergency Medical Air Trans.
$       1.00          Night Court Fee
$ 234.00          Total Fine 
Wow…isn’t it amazing how the state of California can turn a $35 fine into a $146 fine? However, the exact amount of the fine that you’ll pay is set at the county level. The counties usually follow the state guidelines-but there may be additional court costs or penalties added at the county level. If you’ve been stopped, just remember to contact the appropriate court to verify the amount you’ll have to pay.
Traffic Ticket Fines (Effective 01/06/2012)
VC 12814.6              
Failure to obey license provisions.
                             2010    $146.00         
                             2011     $154.00
                             2012    $234.00
VC 14600(A)
Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
                              2010    $146.00
                              2011     $154.00
                              2012    $234.00
VC 16028(A)
Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance)
Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date.
                              2010    $766.00
                              2011    $800.00
                              2012    $880.00
VC 21453(A)
Failure to stop at a red signal. 
                              2010    $380.00
                              2011    $400.00
                              2012    $480.00
VC 22349
Unsafe speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit.
                              2010    $146.00
                              2011    $154.00
                              2012    $214.00                     
VC 22350
Unsafe speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit.
                              2010    $266.00
                              2011    $280.00
                              2012    $328.00         
VC 22450
Failure to stop at a stop sign.
                              2010    $146.00
                              2011    $154.00
                              2012    $234.00
VC 22454(A)
Passing a school bus with flashing red signals.
                              2010    $570.00
                              2011    $600.00
                              2012    $680.00
VC 23123(A)
Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, first offense.
                              2010    $  76.00
                              2011    $  80.00
                              2012    $160.00
VC 23123(B)
Driving while using a wireless phone not hands not free, each subsequent offense.
                              2010    $
                               2011   $
                              2012    $256.00
VC 23123.5
Driving while using a wireless device to send, read or write text.
                              2010    $  76.00
                              2011    $  80.00
                              2012    $160.00
VC 23124
Minor driving while using a wireless phone . 
                              2010    $   76.00
                              2011    $  80.00
                              2012    $160.00
VC 22500
Parking in a bus loading area.
                              2010    $  950.00 
                              2011    $1000.00
                              2012    $1080.00
VC 22507(A)
Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense. 
                              2010    $  950.00
                              2011    $1000.00
                              2012    $1080.00
VC 22507(B)
Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense.
                              2010    $
                              2011    $
                              2012    $1876.00
VC 26708
Unlawful material on vehicle windows. (Window Tint, etc.)
                              2010    $108.00
                              2011    $114.00
                              2012    $194.00
VC 27150
Adequate muffler required.
                              2010    $108.00
                              2011    $114.00
                              2012    $194.00
VC 27315
Mandatory use of seat belts.
                              2010    $76.00
                              2011    $80.00
                              2012    $160.00
VC 27360
Mandatory use of passenger child restraints.
Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorized child seat diversion program.
                              2010    $380.00
                              2011    $400.00
                              2012    $480.00
VC 27400
Headsets or Earplugs covering both ears.
                              2010    $
                              2011    $
                              2012    $194.00
VC 27803
Violation of motorcycle safety helmet requirements.
                              2010    $108.00
                              2011    $114.00
                              2012    $194.00
VC 34506
Commercial Driver – Log book violation.
                              2010    $570.00
                              2011    $600.00
                              2012    $680.00
VC 4000
No evidence of current registration.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
                              2010    $190.00
                              2011    $200.00
                              2012    $280.00
VC 4159
Notify DMV of change of address within 10 days.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
                              2010    $108.00
                              2011    $114.00
                              2012    $194.00
VC 5200
Proper display of license plates.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction. 
                              2010    $108.00
                              2011    $114.00
                              2012    $194.00
VC 9400
Commercial weight fees due.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
                              2010    $108.00
                              2011    $114.00
                              2012    $219.00


25 Jan



24 Jan

For those of you who can stomach another speech from the ‘Present’ of The United States tonight… Listen to see if he mentions ANY of the Facts listed below. Do you know since this ‘Present’ took office he has increased our National Debt more than Every Other President… COMBINED!!

The Interest ALONE on our debt would rank as The WORLD’s FIFTEENTH LARGEST ECONOMY!!

During Tonight’s Debate will the Audience be ALLOWED to Clap and Cheer? Why can’t the Public do the SAME THING during the Republican Debates?? Another Example of the Media Covering for the Social Elites. Insider Trading sends anyone but the Washington Elites to Prison. The Washington Elites are EXEMPT from Obama Care… along with his Union Cronies.

Our Battle is with THREE ENTITIES – OBAMA, The LIBERALS and THE MEDIA (who provide cover for their leaders).

Every time you hear OBAMAMA blab on about jobs think about the Keystone Pipeline. Self Funded, Shovel Ready Jobs with no cost to the Taxpayers… But OWEBOWMA refused to allow this for Political Reasons… then quietly slipped in the FIBERIGHT Facility, another Green Energy Claim… We the Taxpayers are going to spend another $25,000.000.00 for 38 Jobs?? Oh, He’s focused like a Laser Beam allright. Except it’s Barack Vader and he’s cutting our constitution into shreds!

Do you know how much GASOLINE we export every day? You Can’t Give AWAY a Chevy VOLT! Even the Dealers Don’t want them?? It costs the Taxpayers $250,000.00 for each one? And the majority are sold to the GOVERNMENT!! Because the Public doesn’t want to buy them!

Keystone Pipeline                          The Fiberight facility

Oil from Canada                                BioFuel MFG.

Cost $ 0.00                                        Cost $25,000,000.00

Jobs 20,000 to 100,000                   Jobs: 38

The Heritage Foundation put forth their list of facts about our nation’s budget and America’s money:

  1. The last time the Senate passed a budget was on April 29, 2009.
  2. Since that date, the federal government has spent $9.4 trillion, adding $4.1 trillion in debt.
  3. As of January 20, the outstanding public debt stands at $15,240,174,635,409.
  4. Interest payments on the debt are now more than $200 billion per year.
  5. President Obama proposed a FY2012 budget last year, and the Senate voted it down 97–0. (And that budget was no prize—according to the Congressional Budget Office, that proposal never had an annual deficit of less than $748 billion, would double the national debt in 10 years and would see annual interest payments approach $1 trillion per year.)
  6. The Senate rejected House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R–WI) budget by 57–40 in May 2011, with no Democrats voting for it.
  7. In FY2011, Washington spent $3.6 trillion. Compare that to the last time the budget was balanced in 2001, when Washington spent $1.8 trillion ($2.1 trillion when you adjust for inflation).
  8. Entitlement spending will more than double by 2050. That includes spending on Medicare, Medicaid and the Obamacare subsidy program, and Social Security. Total spending on federal health care programs will triple.
  9. By 2050, the national debt is set to hit 344 percent of Gross Domestic Product.
  10. Taxes paid per household have risen dramatically, hitting $18,400 in 2010 (compared with $11,295 in 1965). If the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts expire and more middle-class Americans are required to pay the alternative minimum tax (AMT), taxes will reach unprecedented levels.
  11. Federal spending per household is skyrocketing. Since 1965, spending per household has grown by nearly 162 percent, from $11,431 in 1965 to $29,401 in 2010. From 2010 to 2021, it is projected to rise to $35,773, a 22 percent increase.


  1. Doubled the National Debt, (which took more than two centuries to accumulate), In ONE YEAR, would you have approved?
  2. Proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you approve?
  3. Criticized a state law he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?
  4. Joined the country of Mexico and Sued a State in the United States to FORCE the state to continue to allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, would you question his Patriotism and wonder who’s side he was on?
  5. Pronounced the Marine Corps, “Marine Corpse”, wouldn’t you think He’s an Idiot?
  6. Put 87,000 Workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on Offshore Oil Drilling on companies that have one of the Best Safety Records of any industry, because one foreign company had an accident? 
  7. Used a Forged Document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87000 American workers unemployed?
  8. The first President to need a Teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?
  9. Spent Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to take his First Lady to a play in NYC?
  10. Reduced your retirement plan holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM?
  11. Made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics?
  12. Gave Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, When Gordon Brown gave him a thoughtful and historically significant gift.
  13. Gave the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches… A Proud moment for America?
  14. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.
  15. Visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent “Austrian language”??
  16. Filled his Cabinet and Circle of Advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes.
  17. Said there were 57 states in the United States?
  18. Flew all the way to Denmark to make a Five Minute Speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in his home town, would you not have thought he was a self-important, conceited, egotistical jerk?
  19. Referred to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican Ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again…
  20. Burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to plant a SINGLE Tree on Earth Day?
  21. Approved Air Force One flying low over Millions of People followed by a Jet Fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
  22. Failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?
  23. Created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America, and No Disclosure on How MUCH they get paid and where the money comes from?
  24. Ordered the Firing of the CEO of a Major Corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so?
  25. What makes people think Obama’s brilliant and impressive?
Every statement and action is factual and directly attributable to
Barrack Hussein Obama. He’s done this in 34 months! 



Barack Hussein Obama, The FIRST President to:

  1. Apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
  2. Have a Social Security Number from a state he never lived in.
  3. Preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  4. Violate the War Powers Act.
  5. Held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  6. Defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
  7. Require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
  8. Spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there were none NONE!
  9. Abrogate bankruptcy law to give control of companies to his union supporters.
    By-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  10. Order a secret amnesty program stopping the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. including those with criminal convictions.
  11. Demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  12. Terminated America ‘s ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA.
  13. Have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  14. Declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  15. Threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
    Tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
  16. Filed lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  17. Withdrew an existing coal permit properly issued years ago.
  18. Fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  19. Appointed 45 ‘czars’ to replace elected officials in his office.
  20. Golfed 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date & counting.
  21. Hides his medical, educational and travel records.
  22. Accepted a Nobel Peace Prize but doing NOTHING to earn it.
  23. Doesn’t know how to properly pronounce Navy ‘corpsman’.
  24. Multiple global ‘apology tours’-including bowing to foreign rulers.
  25. 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
  26. Said America is not a Christian nation.
  27. 22 Personal Servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife.
  28. Presided Over the First Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government
  29. Family Dog Trainer on RETAINER for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense



Save Our Country!


$25 Million for 38 Jobs?

20 Jan

Obama Administration Says No to Oil,

Yes to Biofuels
By Susan Jones CNSNEWS.COM

January 20, 2012

 ( – Two days after President Barack Obama blocked construction of a major oil pipeline, his administration is touting its efforts to expand domestic production of renewable energy.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Friday that his agency has approved a $25-million conditional loan guarantee to build a 55,000-square-foot biorefinery plant in Iowa.

The Fiberight facility will produce cellulosic ethanol by converting municipal solid waste and other industrial pulps into “advanced biofuels,” the news release said.

The project is expected to create 38 jobs and save 16 jobs?

By contrast, expansion of the Canada-Texas Keystone XL pipeline would create thousands of jobs; some estimates say as many as 20,000.

“This project is another step the Obama administration is taking to support production of a new generation of renewable fuels, in order to build an active biofuels and biomass production industry in every region of the country,” said Vilsack. “Investments in renewable energy create jobs and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.”

The USDA news release notes that Americans import “just over half (60%) of our transportation fuels,” and it says the U.S. “can do more to meet the President’s goal of reducing our net fuel imports by one-third by 2025.”

Proponents of the Keystone XL pipeline agree that the U.S. can do more to reduce fuel imports. “Until this pipeline is constructed, the U.S. will continue to import millions of barrels of conflict oil from the Middle East and Venezuela and other foreign countries who do not share democratic values Canadians and Americans are privileged to have,” said Russ Girling, TransCanada’s president and chief executive officer, in a statement on Wednesday announcing that his company will reapply for a Keystone XL permit.

At Secretary Vilsack’s direction, USDA says it is working to develop the national biofuels industry, producing energy from non-food sources in every region of the country.

USDA says it is “conducting and encouraging research into innovative new energy technologies and processes, helping companies build biorefineries, and supporting farmers, ranchers, and businesses taking risks to pursue new opportunities in biofuels.”

USDA’s Biorefinery Assistance Program was authorized by Congress under the 2008 Farm Bill. Under the conditional commitment, Fiberight must meet specified conditions before the loan guarantee can be completed.



(Then Send This To Everyone Else!)