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Biff Romney or Mr. Burns

27 Mar

Biff Romney or Mr. Burns.

Biff Romney or Mr. Burns

27 Mar

I’ve not been supportive of Biff Romney before but the Supreme Court looks like they’re leaning towards his argument against the Federal Mandate requiring everyone to purchase Health Insurance. This is good because it will allow Biff to attack OweBowMore about his illegal takeover of Health Care.

Enjoy the laughs on a day when we need some smiles…



7 Mar


I received this email today from a good friend of mine who once was also a True Liberal! But now he’s out of the Cess Pool of Liberal Insanity he finds some pretty funny stuff on the internet and we are ‘Reliable Sources’ for each other.

He sent me this email today and not only did I forward this to my friends (and a couple of Libs I’m working on… heh heh… but I also asked everyone here at DontBELEIVEtheMEDIA and we agreed to post the email here.

Please read this and forward it… The Elites in Washington keep trying to stuff OweDumbo and Biff Romney down our throats and this is a way to put them ON NOTICE!

This is the perfect time to cause the Washington Establishment and LAME STREET MEDIA to PANIC!


Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

I could end the deficit in 5 minutes,” he told CNBC. “You just Pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible For re-election.

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) Took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 – before computers, e-mail, Cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year Or less to become the law of the land – all because of public pressure.”

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list and in turn ask
Each of you to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will recieve the message. This is one idea that really should be passed Around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2012

1. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no Pay when they’re out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

ALL FUNDS in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately.

ALL FUTURE FUNDS flow into The Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will NO LONGER VOTE THEMSELVES a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and Participates in the SAME HEALTH CARE SYSTEM as the American people.

6. Congress must EQUALLY ABIDE by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are VOID effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this Contract with Congressmen/women.

Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an HONOR, not a career. The Founding Fathers
Envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their Term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will Only take three days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive the message. Don’t you think it’s time?


If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.

You are one of my 20+ – Please keep it going, and thanks.

Super Hero Barack Obama?

13 Jan

Another Classic From Jib Jab!

A Portrayal (sic) of The U.S. King

Jimmy Fallon Sings David Bowie Tebo

13 Jan

A Classic Tribute To David Bowie ans Tim Tebo By Jimmie Fallon From Last Nights Show…

Today’s News

11 Jan

Friday 1/13/2012
The Navy Is Depending on Dolphins to Keep the Strait of Hormuz Open
TSA Makes $400K Off Loose Change
Correcting the Martin Luther King memorial mistake
Obama Campaign to Host Dance Party in Boston
A Classic Tribute To David Bowie as Tim Tebo
By Jimmie Fallon From Last Nights Show…
Obama Jumps on Romney

This Weeks News

10 Jan

This Weeks Top Stories

Thursday 1/12/2011
Why Does The Obama Administration Have To Revise The Unemployment Figures Each Week? Are They Unable To Tell The Truth Or Just LIARS??
U.S. jobless claims rise sharply to 6-week high
December U.S. Budget Deficit Wider Than Expected
All Hail King Obama!
Except The Obama Administration’s Opinion Means The President Can Make Any Appointment Anytime The Senate Isn’t In Session? So Now The Senate And Congress Have To Work 24/7?? With This Argument The President Can Do Anything He Wants If They Don’t Vote As Fast As He Wants!!
Justice memo argues Obama recess appointments were legal
NLRB to Host ‘Meet and Greet’ For Illegally Appointed Officials
Occupy was Backed by Obama and now He’s Lost Control
We Agree With One Of Obama’s Statements? This Is Why Everyone Needs To VOTE
Obama: ‘Everything that we fought for is now at stake in this election’
Does Putin Sound Like Someone We Know?? Obama Is Trying The Same Things. Liberty… Freedom Of Speech… Most Transparent Ever?
Putin ‘too busy’ for presidential election debates
Doesn’t Obama do the same thing to reporters????
North Korea reportedly punishing those who didn’t sufficiently mourn Kim Jong Il
Michelle only ‘Follows’ Barack, the White House, Barack’s 2012 Campaign and… Was there any real doubt they are a Democrat Tool? Really??
#FollowThursday: Michelle Obama joins Twitter
Michelle Obama Won’t Let ‘The Obamas’ Go
Less Than 3% Of The Market? The Public Has Decided Even With The Subsidies, We Don’t Want To Buy Electric Cars Until The Technology Works! Taxpayers Are Paying $25o,ooo.oo For Each Chevy Dolt Sold! (Ooops, The Dolts are the Buyers, The Cars Are The Volts)
Detroit unsure over the future of green cars
Bankrupt Solyndra seeking to pay bonuses
GOP to punish Florida at nominating convention for holding early primary
PBS documentary looks at Bill Clinton’s career
Labor Department offers $20M in grants for released prisoners seeking work
Wow… A Whale Kills A Shark!
I might not like her, but… You never hear of her being a bad Mom… and the best of all… on 9/11 Rosie got in the action by taking her boat, filling it with people, and taking them to safety many times. So I have to give her ‘Props’ for that – Bob P.

Wednesday 1/11/2011

 Obama’s DNC speech could move to Bank of America stadium

TSA officers jailed for stealing $40,000 in cash from a passenger’s bag

U.S. boosts forces in Western Pacific 
Tehran draws closer to its goal of obtaining a nuke

Tuesday 1/09/2011

Poll: Americans Biggest Fear?? 2-1 Fear Obama’s Reelection

Obama picks immigration reform advocate to lead domestic policy

Admin. extends Salvadoran deportation freeze

SOPA becoming election liability for backers

No New Drilling, No New Pipelines, and No New Refineries… Now the existing Refineries are being billed for not using enough additives that don’t exist??
A Fine for Not Using a Biofuel That Doesn’t Exist
I’ve been seeing Black Helicopters and men wearing trenchcoats…  Men in Black Watching My House??
Homeland Security monitors journalists

Obama Hosts Fundraiser at $45,000 per Ticket 

Michelle Obama: “Distressed” about Daley, Madigan, Hynes clout

Group close to Obama administration concede bias against Israel in e-mail.
E-mail reveals anti-Semitism at US think tank

Gibbs apologizes for Michelle Obama tiff; Jarrett statement


White House threw secret ‘Alice in Wonderland’ bash during recession

Depp, Burton not in W.H. visitor logs

Obamas held a secret Alice in Wonderland-themed party at White House in depths of recession in 2009

White House ‘covered up’ Tim Burton-staged Alice in Wonderland Halloween party

Book: White House Hosted ‘Wonderland’-Themed Extravagant Hollywood Halloween Bash Before Burton Film Release

Sunday 1/8/2012

Obama Administration Defends Health Care Overhaul in First Supreme Court Brief

All HailThe King of the United States Decrees

King Obabma only has ONE SENATOR agreeing? Where’s Harry Reid??

Obamacare REQUIRES Everyone to Purchase Health Insurance or Be Fined and/or Jailed. So why does the Obama Backed Unions get Waivers. Over 1300 Waivers for Obama Friendly Companies. Why does McDonalds get waivers but not Taco Bell or Burger King? And the Government Unions and the Senate and Congress are exempt? If it Smells like a Fish…

HHS finalizes over 1,200 waivers under healthcare reform law

ACLU trashes Obama over indefinite detention and torture act

REPORT: Occupy ‘founder’ collects millions from Wall St. through Democratic party…

Sen. Menendez blocking federal judge’s appointment to powerful court of appeals

Friday 1/6/2012

White House proposes 0.5 percent pay increase for federal workers

Rubio in letter to Obama: You are turning America into a ‘deadbeat nation’
Obama administration eases deportation rules
Real Jobless Rate Is 11.4% With Realistic Labor Force Participation Rate
Iran plans more war games in strait as sanctions bite
“Impeach Obama” Banner May Fly Over Super Bowl
Brown is calling for the creation of the Business and Consumer Services Agency, a new mega-agency that apparently will “service” businesses in the way male farm animals “service” female ones. The agency will combine habitually anti-business departments handling consumer affairs, “fair” employment and various business licensing and inspection functions, and into this fetid anti-business environment drop “the newly restructured Department of Business Oversight.”
Iran clamps down on internet use – Sounds like Obama’s SOPA to me!
Restrictions on cybercafes and plans to launch national internet prompt fears users could be cut off from world wide web
Iran clamps down on internet use
Doctors going broke

Thursday 1/5/2012

Obama defense plan would end ability to fight two conventional wars at once 

 White House ‘Can’t Wait’ To Help Young People Get Summer Jobs

Georgia ethanol plant sold, at taxpayers’ loss

Osama bin Laden movie leaks investigated by Defense Department

The movie is scheduled for release in October… just in time for the elections?? Despite all the articles and books blasting the Obama Administration for ‘Distorting’ (LIE) what happened and revealing the secrets we recovered rendering most of the Data worthless!

Carney Defends Cordray Recess Appointment: “Constitution Trumps Gimmicks”

Mark Levin: ‘We Have a Constitutional Crisis’

U.S. Savings Bonds Go Paperless